Saturday, May 8, 2010

More Lessons Learned

Just adding a little more to the list....

#9 - Keep Taking Tylenol. The pain isn't so bad most of the time now, so it is easy to forget to take Tylenol before you do things that will make the pain worse. Taking Tylenol before PT and before bed are absolute requirements. The one time I did not take it before PT, I could not do a single straight leg raise. Why make it harder? It's hard enough.

#10 - Limit Exercises Before PT. Before one PT session, I was working on leg extension (getting it straight), but it just made the PT harder. Limit exercises within a few hours of meeting with your physical therapist to only quad sets and leg bending exercises. Those both help prepare you for the session, while other exercises can make actually make the session harder.

By the way, I have an appointment with Dr. Trice on Monday. We will likely be trying 25% weight-bearing, so I am very excited.  I will let you know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for putting some weight on that knee (I have my fingers crossed for that!) Sounds like you are doing a great job of keeping up on all your exercises & such to heal properly. Nice job!
